Over the next two to three years, we will become wiser about underground CO2 storage, Power-to-X, thermal energy storage and drone inspections of offshore structures – and much, much more.
This is the result of the latest round of applications to EUDP, the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program, which has just disclosed a commitment of DKK 100 million in funding for six specific innovation projects anchored in the Danish cluster organisation for energy, Energy Cluster Denmark.
“This is excellent news for our members and for the innovative power in the Danish energy sector”, says Glenda Napier, CEO of Energy Cluster Denmark:
“We will both develop new projects and continue existing ones, and in particular, with the breadth of scope of the new innovation projects, we will clearly emphasise that we are the neutral innovation platform for the entire energy sector and can gather consortia and help with fundraising for our members,” she says.
All areas of the energy sector
This is the first round of application since Energy Cluster Denmark was founded as a merger between three strong cluster organisations in the field of energy, and it has been a goal to ensure that with the innovation projects we embrace the entire energy sector with great involvement from our members.
It has succeeded. Thus, the six new innovation projects for which funding has now been secured cover the innovation across the entire focus area of Energy Cluster Denmark. From energy production and energy infrastructure to energy storage and energy efficiency – with sector coupling, system integration and digitalisation as common denominators. Technology development in different parts of the energy sector is necessary to achieve the 2030 target.
“There is a clear strength in that we have helped to secure funding broadly within the sector. As Energy Cluster Denmark, we are Denmark’s cluster organisation for the entire energy sector, and we must push for innovation based on a unified, common energy system. Several of the projects we can now work on will contribute to technological development across the energy sector, and this is of great value to ensure the green transition,” says Glenda Napier.