
NordicFlexHouse ApS
NordicFlexHouse ApS
+45 52250493

NordicFlexHouse Co. Ltd is a private company working in the cross field between sustainable and energy efficient cities and prefab buildings and export system solutions to China, India and the Nordic market place. NordicFlexHouse(Shanghai) Building Technology Co., Ltd has been established as a WFOE company in Shanghai to develop and operate a Sino-Nordic Innovation Park with focus on Water/Waste treatment, Air monitoring and purification, smart buildings, green building materials, green agricultural technologies and healthcare technologies.The company is working with Eco village projects in China and vegetable production (urban farming and vertical farming) using hydroponic solution called Biopod.

Nordicflexhouse has established a WFOE company in New Delhi (Nordicflexhouse Technology Innovation India Pvt Ltd.). This company are working with the same services as in China.

A Sino Nordic Innovation cluster and an Indo Nordic Innovation cluster are developed as a Technology Transfer, Incubation and Investment platform for Nordic technology companies wanting to enter China and India market.