There is a challenging task in terms of achieving the necessary global CO2 reduction. To solve this challenge, there is a big focus on Power-to-X (PtX) as a sustainable energy source for liquid fuels. Ports around the world must contribute to this CO2 reduction.
The MARCO POLO DK (METHANOL Availability Readiness Cost Operationality for Port Logistics) project will assess how PtX products can be used through the activation and advancement of Danish ports.
The project will assess four archetype ports:
The use of PtX for passenger ships (RoPAX, ferries) and smaller vessels (fishing) will depend on e-methanol, as ammonia will not be qualified for safety reasons in the next 10-15 years. Therefore, Carbon Capture and Utilization – CCUS (for the first three port types) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) (for the fourth type) will be crucial for the project. The project will focus on ports in Northern Jutland (Hanstholm and Frederikshavn), as there will be a natural collaboration with the “Erhversfyrtårn Nordjylland – CCUS”.
Project Impact
The project is divided into five main activities which will assess the following:
Energy Cluster Denmark
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping
Nordic Green Solutions
Hanstholm Havn
Dansk Brand- og Sikringsteknisk Institut
Aalborg Universitet
Read the MARCO POLO report
Project period
November 2022 – August 2023
4.200,000 DKK
The project is supported by the Danish Board of Business Development and REACT-EU.
Gitte Wad
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 3152 7516