This project aims to expand the area of use for a solar-powered rescue ladder that has been developed. In the first half of 2019, more than 300 units were rolled out to Danish harbours under the auspices of Trygfonden. The product has been developed with the Danish harbour environment in mind, but many inquiries have come in, particularly from other Nordic countries. This project aims to develop, test, and optimise a rescue ladder solution that works reliably up to at least 60⁰ latitude. This is just above both Oslo and Stockholm, thereby including lucrative markets here.


Getting a solar-powered rescue ladder to work reliably 365 days a year in the widely varying sunlight conditions the ladder will be exposed to is a major challenge. In winter, there is about 10 times less solar radiation on a horizontal surface than in summer. Additionally, the nights are 4 times longer than in summer. Furthermore, the sun rises to a maximum of about 10 degrees above the horizon, meaning that shadows (e.g., from buildings) cover large areas. Even low buildings can make it so that areas of a harbour receive no direct sunlight at all during the winter months.

The first major challenge is to dimension the rescue ladder system’s light box so as to make it operable in most positions in port environments, given the special challenge that in the winter months, even less sunlight is available in territories to the north of Denmark. The energy system must therefore be changed/optimised to be able to accommodate these conditions.

The next challenge is to ensure communication with the rescue ladders wherever they are located and make it possible to monitor the condition of each ladder. In spite of perfect technical functionality and installation, the world is still an unpredictable place. Ladders may be sailed on or vandalised. The solar cells may be inadvertently covered. The batteries will eventually wear out, and so on.

The last challenge is to guide users to install the ladders optimally. Even if all parts of the system are technically optimised to perfection, the system will still be inoperable if it is installed under a bridge or a large tree. Instead of producing a written installation guide that can never be truly complete, an installation guide smartphone app will be created instead. The app will be able to ensure that rescue ladders are correctly installed, based on a simulation of the solar radiation at the desired installation location. Its placement can be qualified based on knowledge of the ladder’s energy requirements.

Every mobile phone is already equipped with a camera and GPS, as well as information on compass direction. By taking a picture of the horizon from the desired installation site, the solar radiation that will fall on the solar panel can be calculated very accurately based on the shadows in the environment and statistical weather data for the location. Together with ongoing monitoring of the system’s operation, the data collected by the installation app will make it possible to indicate significant deviations in the installation conditions long before they result in a dysfunctional product.

Solution idea

All parts of the system will be developed/optimised for the weather conditions that prevail in the northern latitudes. Operational monitoring for the rescue ladders must be developed by integrating wireless IoT technology for preventive maintenance and functionality control. Using wireless, IoT-based battery status monitoring and data collection for all rescue ladders on a master server will make it possible to centrally monitor the health status of each ladder. The harbour master can then be contacted if a ladder should fail for any reason. For this reason, a Sigfox wireless communication module is being developed for monitoring and communication with the ladder. The module will also work over long distances.

Project deliverables

The project will solve the following 3 challenges:

  1. Dimensioning for use in other lighting conditions. All parts of the system will thus be developed/optimised for the weather conditions that prevail in the northern latitudes
  2. Communication with rescue ladders
  3. Optimal installation

Problem owners

Problem solvers

This project is financed by Energy Cluster Denmark’s Clean Tech Innovation (CTI) support programme. It offers three years of support to allow small- and medium-sized businesses to collaboratively develop innovative electronic products focused on energy optimisation. The CTI project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: November 2019
End: December 2020
Grant: DKK 2.305.000

Contact person

Christian Boysen

Christian Boysen
Tlf: +45 6171 8663