Looking ahead to 2050, significant efforts are needed to ensure that Denmark meets its climate targets. Many businesses, supermarkets, data centres, brickyards, etc. generate excess heat. Today, that excess heat is sent directly into their surroundings. This excess heat may, for example, be generated in industrial processes, given off by cooling systems, or simply wasted. If waste heat, excess heat, etc. can be converted into consumable heat, benefiting the environment, citizens, and local companies, the potential solutions will be of great significance to Denmark in meeting its climate targets. The general purpose of this project is to demonstrate whether it is possible to utilise the potential that lies in excess heat.
There is great growth potential in exports for businesses in southern Denmark, whose utilisation of excess heat will become an element of green solutions in worldwide use in the future.
Solution idea
In a project titled “Growth through the export of technological solutions for the utilisation of excess heat”, a number of studies and analyses will be initiated to uncover the growth potential available to southern Danish companies for the use of excess heat. Furthermore, the barriers associated with surplus heat utilisation will be highlighted.
Project deliverables
This project will prepare a survey of the excess heat potential from companies in and outside existing district heating areas in the municipalities of Aabenraa, Haderslev, Sønderborg, and Tønder. This survey will then be used to create an overview of where potential projects for the incorporation of excess heat can be realised, relative to district heating companies’ plans and the possible expansion of local heating areas and micro-grid systems. Beyond identifying potential projects, the survey will also serve as a foundation for the development of specific business models in the four municipalities mentioned. This project has a general focus on the perspective of the Region of Southern Denmark. Its overall goal, consequently, is to create growth in the region within the Growth Forum’s area for energy-efficient technologies.
It is further expected that the project will offer knowledge and analyses to provide a basis for the companies’ clarification of export opportunities, thereby also providing a starting point for further initiatives with a view towards development and export.
Charlotte Baumgartner
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 8144 9255