Project description
In the ongoing strategy work, energy technology has been identified as a position of business strength, and it is expected that this will be ratified in the forthcoming strategy for business promotion. In the existing cluster landscape, however, there are several different cluster organizations within energy technology in Denmark.
With this application, the House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster and CLEAN have explored the possibilities of embracing energy technology in one cluster with a strong and business-oriented governance structure. The partners are open to organizational outcomes, and were therefore willing to put their own organization into play. This was done from a broad energy value chain perspective; i.e. solutions within the entire value chain for energy (raw material extraction, production, distribution, conversion, storage and consumption) in a wide range of applications and applications.
This project has had and has continued to aim to ensure the optimal transition to one powerful, company-oriented and innovative energy cluster in Denmark.
The project initiated a consolidation process between House of Energy, Energy Innovation Cluster and CLEAN, which together with the energy industry, relevant industry organizations, knowledge partners and others. in the future will facilitate the overall movement of all relevant organizations towards a single super-cluster in the field of energy technology. The means for this are partly a targeted and at the same time inclusive consolidation process towards one efficient energy cluster, partly a securing of geographical coverage and development of the cluster activities in which the consortium excels.
On 1 June 2020, the House of Energy, CLEAN and the Energy Innovation Cluster merged into a new cluster organization, which brings together and strengthens joint innovation across the entire energy sector. The new cluster organization is called Energy Cluster Denmark and will unite the activities within energy production, energy infrastructure, energy storage and energy efficiency. The new cluster will handle a single energy system: From offshore wind turbines to the use of energy by consumers in an integrated, coupled and energy-efficient energy system.
The consolidation process has and will continue to involve all relevant actors in relation to the creation of one Danish super-cluster in the energy field.
Start: 9. september 2019
End: 1. juni 2021
EU Funding to the project: DKK 3.645.210 kr.
Decentrale erhvervsfremmemidler: DKK 3.003.553 kr.
Beneficiary: Energy Cluster Denmark
Mette Straarup Jespersen
Tlf: +45 4214 9170