Renewable and Affordable Process-Integrated District Heating


The Renewable and Affordable Process-Integrated District Heating (RAPIDH) project is about reducing CO2 emissions in the process industry by 15% by 2030, by ensuring quick access to district heating as part of realistic and affordable solutions for process industry companies.

The project will therefore work on the following:

  • Develop and validate a new process industry module for EnergyPRO
  • Develop a RAPIDH decision support solution
  • Test and demonstrate the solution with 11 case companies (process industry and district heating test and demo hosts)


The project expects to deliver a solution to energy optimize industrial processes, quantify benefits of integrating process industry and district heating, and incorporate sector integration with industrial processes in heating planning and district heating design.

In addition, methods and tools are developed to provide better and faster technical and financial assessments from technical advisors to industrial companies, district heating companies and municipal heating planners.


The benefit of converting from fossil fuel-based industrial boilers to district heating will primarily be a reduced CO2 emission when natural gas, gas oil or other fossils are displaced. Until 2030, this emission reduction will vary depending on the supplier of district heating.

In some places, district heating is primarily based on fossil fuels, e.g. coal or natural gas, but in most cases these district heating producers are actively working to implement more environmentally friendly substitutes in their heat production


EMD International




Financed by


Start: August 15, 2024

End: August 14, 2026

Totalbudget: 5.000.000 DKK.

Contact person

Maria Kristiansen

Maria Kristiansen
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 6015 6446