Where are the potentials for the use of surplus heat in Southern Jutland?

1. June 2021

Mapping companies in 4 Municipalities of South Jutland, Aabenraa, Sønderborg, Haderslev and Tønder makes it easier to identify the untapped surplus heat potential. The preparation of business cases must now specifically highlight the potential for local use of surplus heat.

Since 2019, the project “Growth through the export of technology solutions for the utilization of surplus heat” has been working to identify the local potentials for the use of surplus heat. In 2020, a mapping based on CVR/BBR data and interviews across industries was carried out in such a way that industrial companies, water utilities, supermarkets, biogas plants and treatment plants were included.

Specifically, mapping means that for Sønderborg and the other 3 municipalities (Tønder, Aabenraa and Haderslev), it has been easier to identify potential consumption sites and the mapping has thus made it possible to identify which companies in the municipality have the potential to be able to use surplus heat both as a producer and a customer of heat.

“We see a good tradition of exploiting surplus heat potentials in the region, but also sense broad local support for the project and a desire for further exploitation. In addition, we see clear potentials for synergy and desires for sharing experience between municipalities”, says Emil Albæk Kristiansen, Project Manager, Viegand Maagøe.

Based on the GIS mapping, we are now preparing a case in each of the 4 municipalities. Overall, the cases must show the width of the area and provide several technical solutions and business models that can be used across the municipalities and that provide a wide solution space. In addition to highlighting the potentials, the cases should provide experience that can be used in the export work around Danish energy solutions.

“There is great potential in utilizing excess heat to accelerate the green transition. This is especially true in Southern Jutland, which has several leading companies in the field. Here is an important step to prepare specific business cases for what potentials exist among companies in, for instance, Sønderborg”, says Glenda Napier, CEO, Energy Cluster Denmark.

Cases an inspiration across municipal boundaries

The potentials in the 4 municipalities are significant and through workshops, it has been clarified which cases that are being looked at in which municipality. A lot of time has been spent in the project to identify the right cases for each of the municipalities, and it is highlighted that each case must also have a slightly more generic part, so that the municipalities can be inspired by each other and use the neighboring municipality’s business case as a template for own use. However, only if it is the same source of surplus heat.

An ArcGis online solution (WEB card) has been prepared for use by the 4 municipalities in order to share data across. This helps to provide a visually good overview, as well as a quick approach to data and there is the possibility to add relevant data to give an even better result for the heat planners in the municipalities, thus better decisions.

In Sønderborg municipality, among other things, BHJ Pet Food and the surrounding industrial companies at Ulsnæs in Gråsten are being looked at. All companies have surplus heat from cooling and are located in thew heat wiring network in Sønderborg for easy connection.

Whether only one or more of the companies are participating in the work is defined when the work on the business cases begins, where it is also necessary to examine whether the companies have processes that can be rescheduled for district heating, so that these needs can be met first and whether the companies can potentially meet each other’s heating needs with surplus heat before the heat is sent to the district heating network. The framework of conditions for heat pumps for the use of surplus heat for district heating purposes have changed significantly over the years and are now fiscally better than ever.

“I expect that the project will give us some concrete experience of what it takes to make surplus heating projects succeed. The GIS mapping has already provided a good overview of potentials, and serves as a basis for dialogue with the district heating plants. Now we take the next step, where the specific cases will give us knowledge. As municipal heat planners, we need to gain experience with our role in surplus heating projects”, says Marie Grove Ingildsen, Civil Engineer & Urban Planner, Sønderborg Municipality.

In the municipality of Aabenraa, the potential for the use of surplus heat at Hospital Sønderjylland is examined, which according to the GIS mapping has a surplus heat potential from cooling of approx. 2.8 GWh.

In the municipality of Haderslev, the potential for purification plants, Provas will be examined. The project fits into Haderslev District Heating’s plans for expansion of wiring networks and thus greater heating needs. A wastewater heat pump can potentially have a higher COP than an air/water heat pump, which was otherwise considered as a solution to meet the increasing heat demand.

In the municipality of Tønder, the unused potentials at Hydro Precision Tubing are looked at. This choice must be seen in combination with the knowledge of Tønder District Heating’s plans for expansion of the grid. The project can provide more operating hours to the heat pump center and meet the increasing need. In addition, the heat pump can displace natural gas and biomass. Hydro Precision Tubing achieves savings on current cooling towers. These can be retained as backup when district heating needs are low and heat pump operation is unnecessary.

The work on the cases and specific business models that highlight risks, contract distribution and cooperation agreements continue until late summer.

The cases are prepared by Viegand Maagøe. The project partners are  Energy Cluster Denmark  and  SEP Sønderjylland.

Read more about the project: www.energycluster.dk/projekter/kassoe/