Europe Leading Blue Energy

The Europe Leading Blue Energy project (ELBE+) aims to contribute to the positioning of Europe as the world’s technological and industrial leader in blue energy, including offshore wind (anchored and floating), wave, and tidal, in new markets such as North America (USA and Canada) and Asia (Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea).

The main goal has been further developed into three specific goals and sub-goals:

Strengthen the new European value chain’s blue energy:

  • To consolidate a new, genuine, trans-regional European value chain consisting of companies and other agents currently within each of the partners’ local value chains
  • Creating clusters for knowledge exchange between SMEs, high-level transnational co-operation, and building partnerships among the leading blue energy regions in Europe, as well as promoting matchmaking activities which can produce open spaces for innovation
  • To position SMEs in trans-European consortia to compete and take a globally leading position within the blue energy sector

Promote European and international energy-to-energy co-operation through the specific actions described in the ELBE internationalisation strategy:

  • To develop concrete and useful market reports, providing different types of competitive intelligence to European businesses, and helping them identify business and internationalisation opportunities in the blue energy sector
  • To organize direct missions, reverse missions, and other activities that enable ELBE+ partner businesses to establish first-hand contact with important established businesses in the target markets
  • To sign co-operation agreements with relevant international associations and clusters in third countries that act as key partners for intelligence gathering, organisation of activities, and provision of soft landing services to European companies

Ensure the long-term sustainability of the ELBE+ alliance:

  • To strengthen ESCP4 by consolidating a common identity and developing common promotional activities
  • To learn from successful experiences from other partnerships, in order to improve efficiency and specific ELBE+ initiatives
  • To continuously update the internationalisation strategy to manage the activities of the ELBE+ alliance by identifying new markets and value-added activities
  • To define a financial strategy that guarantees the long-term sustainability of the alliance



Financed by


Start: September 2020
End: August 2022
Grant: DKK 3.348.000

Contact person

Nikoline Bak

Nikoline Bak
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 4214 9176