CO2 capture at Aalborg Portland


Worldwide, CO2 emissions from cement production comprise about 8% of all emissions. In Denmark, Aalborg Portland is one of the single largest CO2 emitters, at about 2 million tonnes per year. Approximately 60% of the CO2 emissions from cement production come from the calcination process, which makes it difficult to eliminate by taking such measures as switching fuels. Therefore, capturing CO2 from the emitted gases is one technical possibility considered when reducing CO2 emissions from cement production.

Solution idea

This project will uncover opportunities for CO2 capture at Aalborg Portland and propose a roadmap encompassing both storage of captured CO2 and use for producing fuels and/or chemicals.

Problem owners

  • Aalborg Portland
  • REintegrate ApS

Problem solvers

  • Pentair Union Engineering
  • Hydrogen Valley
  • Green Hydrogen Systems A/S
  • REIntegrate ApS
  • Aalborg Portland
  • AAU – Aalborg Universitet
  • Energy Cluster Denmark


Start: January 2020
End: December 2020
Grant: DKK 500.000

Contact person

Lene Vest Munk Thomsen

Lene Vest Munk Thomsen
Project Manager
Tlf: +45 3152 3072