
After oil and gas have been pumped up from the subsoil, they must be separated. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) occurs naturally in the gas, and it is corrosive. For this reason, companies in the oil and gas industry add chemicals called H2S scavengers to remove the hydrogen sulphide before the gas is sent to refineries on land.

Today, it is common practice to add large quantities of H2S scavengers to meet demands placed on the quality of the product. This is necessary because the amount of hydrogen sulphide in the extracted oil and gas varies. This practice harms the environment and is costly for the industry, but it is difficult to precisely measure the amount of hydrogen sulphide present and add an appropriate amount of the chemical.

Solution idea

The participants in the H2SMAN project will build, install, and test a new measurement and dosing system in two offshore oil and gas installations in the Danish portion of the North Sea. One element of this system will be a sensor that accurately measures the level of hydrogen sulphide in extracted gas. Data from the sensor will then be used to precisely dose the H2S scavenger, reducing hydrogen sulphide levels before the gas arrives on land. In doing so, this system will eliminate the need for costly, environmentally harmful overdosing of H2S scavengers.

Also read about the SCAVOP project, which also concerns H2S scavenger management.

Problem owners

  • Operators in the Danish North Sea

Problem solvers

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: April 2018
End: March 2021
Grant: DKK 14.860.128

Contact person

Christian Boysen

Christian Boysen
Tlf: +45 6171 8663