Leading Edge Repair

Damage to wind turbine blades’ leading edges can have a significant negative effect on both production and noise levels. Initially, this project aims to identify the various types of damage and their negative effects. To validate this data, the different types of damage will be recreated and tested in DTU’s new LaCour wind tunnel. After validation, the data will be used to make smarter blade damage repair robots that know exactly what damage to focus on in order to provide the greatest value.


Scratches, holes, and other damage today create poor aerodynamics for a number of wind turbines’ operation and energy production. This damage occurs mainly due to raindrops which strike the leading edges of the turbine blades as they rotate at high speeds.

Damage to the surface of a blade’s leading edge can also result in noise, which can be a major nuisance to citizens living near the wind turbine. Ultimately, it can lead to downtime.

There is already a number of thoroughly proven solutions for inspection, maintenance, and repair of wind turbine blades. The problem is that they involve manual work, which is associated with high costs and certain safety risks.

Solution idea

Leading Edge Repair deals with a new, automated technology for reviewing and repairing damage to wind turbine blades’ leading edges. The project partners will be testing how turbine blades’ leading edges are affected by damage in DTU Risø’s Poul la Cour Tunnel, a unique testing environment that was unveiled in 2018.

Data from the test will be used in mathematical models to help wind turbine owners make better decisions about reviewing and repairing damaged leading edges. Based on the results of the tests, the partners will also develop a robot that can obviate manual repair work. All in all, the results of Leading Edge Repair will reduce the cost of inspection and repair for wind turbine blades.

Project deliverables

The project will develop an intelligent robot for repairing and inspecting blade damage, and a white paper will be prepared at DTU, illustrating the knowledge gained about blade damage and its effects.

Problem owners

Problem solvers

Project video

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: October 2018
End: March 2021
Grant: DKK 1.947.000

Contact person

Thomas Vohs-Ahlers

Thomas Vohs-Ahlers
Head of Members & Sales
Tlf: +45 5389 2050