
This project aims to promote the development of a new type of “free flow turbine” Tideng (Tidal Energy Conversion System (TECS)), which is able to utilise the current in tides to produce energy. The implementation of this technology with its wide-ranging applications enables it to accelerate the production of renewable energy and thus help solve the challenge of switching to greener forms of energy.


There is a lot of energy in tides and it is a safer energy source as it is not dependent on wind and weather just as wind and solar energy are.

Solution idea

The project will develop a submerged watermill that will be able to utilise tidal currents to produce electricity.

Project deliverables

Development, testing and production of a prototype in scaled-down format.

Problem owners

  • Investselskabet JO IVS

Problem solvers

This project is financed by Energy Cluster Denmark’s Energy Technology Innovation (ETI) support programme. It offers three years of support to allow small- and medium-sized businesses to collaboratively develop innovative electronic products focused on energy optimisation. The ETI project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

Project timeline

PHASE 1: Conceptualisation
PHASE 2: Development and testing
PHASE 3: Demonstration and validation
PHASE 4: Commercialisation

Financed by


Start: July 2020
End: December 2021
Grant: DKK 1.850.000

Contact person

Hans Jørgen Brodersen

Hans Jørgen Brodersen
Senior Project Manager
Tlf: +45 2688 0228