InnoNet: Udvikling af vind & sol #2

27. august 2024 – 9:30 – 12:30 Bryghusgade 8, etage, 1473, 1473 København, Danmark

Tema: Results from the REALISE Project – Hybrid powerplants

At this meeting we zoom in on the learnings from the REALISE project. We will kick off by hearing Vattenfalls perspective on hybrid power plants. Then the DEA will present what role wind, solar, hydrogen and e-fuels play in their new projection of the Danish energy system toward 2050. They will share their thoughts on the complexities in designing multi-technology and how to optimize for them, in relation to tenders as part of realising that projection.
Then Aegir will present some of the tools that have been developed in the project which enables optimisation and evaluation of hybrid power plants. Finally DTU will dive deeper into the research developments which makes the tools function. The presentations are concluded with a panel discussion between the DEA, Vattenfall, Aegir and DTU followed by some networking time.

Host: Energy Cluster Denmark, BLOXHub, Bryghusgade 8 entrance C, 3rd floor, 1473 København K (meeting room: Arena)


From kl. 09.30 Arrival & registration
Coffee, tea & water + Croissant & juice is served

Kl. 10:00
v. Christian Munk Jensen, Project Manager, Energy Cluster Denmark and
José Pedro Blasques, Head of LCoE Performance, Vattenfall

Kl. 10:10
Vattenfalls perspective on hybrid power plants
v. Michiel Goderie, Senior Product Manager, Vattenfall

Kl. 10:30
The complexities in evaluating solutions for a multi-technology and multi-commodity tender
v. Kaushik Das, Associate Professor, Department of Wind and Energy Systems, Renewable Plants in Energy Systems, DTU

Kl. 10:50
The suite of (open access) tools needed to optimise for hybrid power plants
v. Katherine Dykes, VP of Engineering, Aegir Insights

Kl. 11:10
The DEA’s new 2050 projection and the complexities in designing multi-technology tenders
v. Bo Riisgaard Pedersen, Director, System analysis, Danish Energy Agency

Kl. 11:30
Panel debate: Vattenfall, DEA, DTU, Aegir Insight

kl. 11.50 — 12.30
Wrap up, networking and have a nice day.
please note that lunch is not included

No-show fee: Der sendes gebyr på DKK 500,- så husk at giv besked om evt. afbud.